Warranty Policy

International Auto Parts Product Warranty Terms and Conditions
Subject to the terms and conditions specified below, International Auto Parts Pty Ltd agrees to, at its option, repair, replace or provide credit to the original purchaser of the product this warranty is attached to for the period of time or kilometres (whichever occurs first) from the date of purchase, as set out in the Warranty Table below, against defects in materials or workmanship resulting in the Product not performing in accordance with its specification. International Auto Parts will determine whether or not the Product is performing with in its specifications.
International Auto Parts warrant that all products will be free from defects in material and or workmanship for that period which is defined in the following warranty schedule.
The obligation of the Company under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of any products, which, under normal use and service, prove to be faulty due to any defect in material and/ or workmanship of the product.
Warranty Terms & Conditions
The warranty only applies, if:
1.1. Proof of purchase of the Product is provided to the satisfaction of the Company.
1.2. The installation details have been correctly completed as directed by the Company warranty claim form.
1.3. The Claim Form is provided when any warranty claim is made against the Product.
1.4. A Product of a suitable type and specification has been correctly installed in the vehicle.
1.5. The product has not been altered or in any manner tampered with.
1.6. The Warranty cannot be amended, altered or extended in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent and approval of the Director of the Company.
1.7. The Purchaser must, at his/her own expense, forward any allegedly faulty or defective Product to the Company. Refer to Warranty Procedure for details.
1.8. In the event that the company decides to repair or replace a Product, the Company agrees to pay the costs associated with the ordinary delivery of the replacement or repaired Product, the Purchaser must pay any difference between the cost of the Company’s method or ordinary delivery and the Purchasers required method of delivery.
1.9. An Accredited Dealer must perform the installation of the Product.
1.10. The Company acknowledges that under applicable State, Territory and Commonwealth Law including but not limited to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth), certain conditions and warranties implied in this warranty and any such rights or remedies conferred upon the Purchaser in relation to the products cannot be altered by this warranty or any agreement (Non-Excludable Rights). Any rights conferred upon the purchaser by this warranty are in addition to and do not detract from these Non-Excludable Rights.
1.11. Should the Product of part of the Product be replaced or repaired during the period of this Warranty, the Warranty period for the replaced or repaired product shall be for the period remaining from when the original Product was purchased by the Purchaser.
The Company shall not be liable for:
2.1. Automotive globes and drive belts are not covered by warranty.
2.2. Loss or damage caused by a part which is not a company supplied part.
2.3. Direct or consequential damage to other components arising from faulty installation
2.4. Normal wear and tear of the Product
2.5. Charges incurred for the adjustment of a drive belt
2.6. Reimbursement for labour involved in the replacement of parts
2.7. Consequential loss including time, towage, storage, accommodation, goods, cargo or other similar expenses
2.8. Failures or defects of the Product resulting from misuse (whether intentional or otherwise), negligence, modifications, accident, lack of maintenance being carried out in accordance with the maintenance requirement of the Product, or, by Force Majeur
2.9. Unacceptable warranty:
Claims that are found to meet any of the following conditions will not be allowed under warranty:
2.9.1. Improper installation, adjustment, or maintenance
2.9.2. Failure caused by low/high voltage or other incorrect voltage supply
2.9.3. Failure caused by prolonged cranking
2.9.4. Failure caused by re-engagement and/or overrun
2.9.5. Failure due to corrosion or water damage
2.9.6. Burned armature and/or field coils
2.9.7. Product label has been removed and warranty void
3.1. All terms and conditions in paragraph 1.0 apply.
3.2. The Warranty applies from the date of purchase of the Product by the Purchaser
3.3. The Warranty only operates when:
3.3.1. The Purchaser supplies a detailed account of the claim by electronic mail
3.3.2. The Purchaser supplies photos, where practicable, to the Company to support the claim.
3.3.3. The Purchaser retains the product for a period of sixty days after making a claim.
3.3.4. The Company does not require the Purchaser to return any allegedly faulty or defective Product for evaluation. However, the Company has the right to request the return for evaluation at purchasers cost.
Passenger Motor Vehicles and Light Commercial Vehicles 12mths or 60,000km